I Welcome you to the Pt. Vidyadhar Mishra Saraswati Vidya Mandir Vigyan Evam Anusandhan Mahavidyalaya family. We work together to inspire the young students to build up their carrer and transform themselves into decent human beings. The College invites dlstinguhed experts so speak on various issue to update the knowledge of students and motivate them to be confidient in life and to be gender and disability friendly. Together, our teaching faculty, staff and students always..
"Education is the manifestation from within”. There is knowledge in all beings, it only requires awakening, the task of a teacher being awaken the senses, so that students may learn to use their eyes, ears and hands properly. Education is not collecting the facts and information; it is concentration of mind and heart. Our aim is not producing teachers, lawyers, businessmen but the most important thing is to eradicate ignorance and negativity. “A teacher shows the path, it is though who has to walk."